Hamilton Finlay, Ian
Rare Books, Maps, Manuscripts & Photographs
Auction: 3 September 2008 at 12:00 BST
An interesting archive, comprising drawings and c. 93 autograph or typed letters signed from Ian Hamilton Finlay (and 5 from Sue Finlay), together with retained copies from Peter Grant, for projects executed by Peter Grant collaborating with Ian Hamilton Finlay including The Blue and the Brown Poems; Starlit Waters (Tate Gallery), Studio International (pg 81), Form Aesthetics: 1) Nets, Weathercock, wood, 1968, 2) Water Weathercock painted wood, 3) KY Concrete; Macquette for Signpost with photograph of finished project; 4" card/tube: 4 screen prints each of ajar and sea ms.; Ceiling plan (Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, Lancs); How Blue! How Far! etc., 1989, photographs; Coble: model makers image, 1999 (MIRO Foundation, Barcelona, Scottish Parliament building); Calendar 1968/69, Wild Hawthorn Press Three Gates on the way to Little Sparta. 1996, original boards; Unsigned, 1995, limited to 250 copies, original boards; Highlights, a homage to André Derain. 1997, 4to, limited to 250 copies, original wrappers; Heraclitan variations, 1987, card package; Two horizons, 1998, card package; An illustrated essay by Dr Stephen Bann with catalogue of works
Note: A large and fascinating archive of letters and artwork documenting a body of work carried out with the artist Peter Grant and tracing the development of Finlay as an artist over four decades.