Wise, Henry
An Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from China
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 8 February 2023 at 10:00 GMT
performed by Ships in the Honble East India Company's Service; with Remarks on the Advantages of Steam-Power, applied as an auxiliary aid to Shipping, and suggestions for improving thereby the communication with India. London: for the Author, 1839. First edition, 8vo, presentation copy 'John Abel Smith Esq., M.P., with the author's respects', lithographed frontispiece and 4 lithographed plates, original cloth, Cruising Association bookplate, some slight spotting, covers slightly spotted, spine faded [Cordier Sinica 1950]
Note: Presentation copy of a scarce work arguing for steam power, based on a statistical analysis of sailing voyages.