Macdiarmid, Hugh [Christopher Murray Grieve]
A collection of signed works
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 13 July 2022 from 10:00 BST
[Manuscript Poem] Manuscript copy of Island Funeral by Hugh MacDiarmid, in MacDiarmid's hand, with a few corrections, 11 loose leaves
Idem. Sangschaw. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1925. 8vo, inscribed: "To Margaret Campbell with my best love, from Hugh MacDiarmid. Motherwell, 29th May 1952", original blue cloth, dust-jacket;
Idem. Direadh I, II and III. Frenich, Foss, 1974. 4to, number 156 of 200 copies signed by MacDiarmid, original red quarter morocco gilt, slipcase;
Idem. Selected Poems of Hugh MacDiarmid. Glasgow: William MacLellan, [n.d.] 8vo, signed by MacDiarmid to front free endpaper;
Idem. A Lap of Honour. London: MacGibbon and Kee Ltd., 1967. 8vo, signed by MacDiarmid, original red paper-covered boards, dust-jacket;
Idem. The Fire of the Spirit. Glasgow: Duncan Glen, 1965. 8vo, signed by MacDiarmid, original wrappers;
Idem. Scots Unbound, and other poems. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1932. 8vo, number 114 of 350 copies signed by MacDiarmid, original brown cloth gilt;
Idem. The Uncanny Scot. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1968. 8vo, signed by MacDiarmid, original red cloth gilt, dust-jacket;
Idem. A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle. Edinburgh, [1962.] Fourth edition, 8vo, signed by MacDiarmid, original blue cloth;
Idem. A Political Speech. Edinburgh, 1972. 8vo, copy number 16 (of 50), signed by MacDiarmid, original wrappers;
Idem. Cornish Heroic Song for Valda Trevlyn. Padstow: Lodenek Press, 1977. 8vo, inscribed: "Signed for my friends Edward Nairn and Ian Watson with affection, gratitude, and my best wishes Hugh MacDiarmid.", original boards; and another copy, in wrappers, signed by Hugh MacDiarmid and Valda Trevlyn;
Idem. Cunninghame Graham, a centenary study. Glasgow: Caledonian Press, [n.d.] 8vo, inscribed: "Signed for my friends Edward Nairn and Ian Watson with kindest regards and best wishes Hugh MacDiarmid", original green cloth gilt, dust-jacket;
Idem. On a Raised Beach. Biggar: Valda Grieve, 1985. Folio, copy number 40 of 100, signed in pencil by Valda Grieve and Reinhardt Behrens, original blue cloth;
Idem. The Day Before the Twelfth, a loose typed poem, inscribed: "Signed with pleasure for Miss T.M. Walton by Hugh MacDiarmid";
Wright, Gordon. MacDiarmid, an illustrated biography. Edinburgh, Gordon Wright Publishing, 1977. 4to, inscribed: "Signed with pleasure and best wishes for my friends Edward Nairn and Ian Watson by Hugh MacDiarmid.", original blue cloth gilt, dust-jacket;
Glen, Duncan. A Small Press and Hugh MacDiarmid. Preston: Akros Publications, 1970. 4to, signed by Hugh MacDiarmid, original wrappers (17)