Scottish History, 11 Books
including [Skene, Alexander]
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 23 June 2021 at 11:00 BST
Memorialls for the Government of the Royall-Burgh in Scotland. Aberdeen: J. Forbes, 1685. First edition, 8vo, 19th century calf, a few running titles slightly shaved, corner of A2 torn with loss of a few letters, rubbed, bookplate of Monte Rosa Aberdeen signed John Morgan, [ESTC R38926]; [Welwood, James] Reasons why the Parliament of Scotland cannot comply with the Late K. James's Proclamation. London: D. Newman, 1689. 4to, modern quarter calf, [ESTC R2126]; Fuller, William. A Full Demonstration that the Pretended Prince of Wales was the Son of Mrs Mary Grey. London: for the author, 1702. 8vo, disbound, [ESTC T40314]; [Spottiswood, John] A Speech one of the Barons of the Shire of B--- at a Meeting of the Barons and Freeholders. [Edinburgh ?, 1702], 4to, modern quarter calf, [ESTC T49694]; [Kirkwood, James] A Memorial concerning the Disorders of the Highlands, Especially the Northern Parts thereof. Edinburgh, 1703. 4to, quarter cloth, [ESTC T79088]; [Wildman, Sir John] The Pretender an Impostor. London: Booksellers, 1711. 8vo, boards, morocco lettering piece, slight browning, [ESTC T103526]; [Hickes, George] Some Queries... in order to prove the Legitimacy of the Pretender. London: S. Popping 1712; [Barrington, John Shute, Viscount] A Dissuasive from Jacobitism. London: J. Baker, 1713. [ESTC N2926 ]; Asgill, John The Pretender's Declaration Abstracted. London: A. Baldwin, 1713, [ESTC T44259]; [Idem] The Succession of the House of Hannover Vindicated, against the Pretender's Second Declaration. London: J. Roberts, 1714, 4 works in one volume, calf, lacks upper cover; Justice done to the Late Ministry 8vo, second edition, slight dampstain, bound with 2 others, calf-backed cloth; [another copy] London: J. Baker, 1715. Third edition, 8vo, modern calf-backed cloth; [Lord Lovat] An Answer to a Dangerous Pamphlet, entitled, a Candid and Impartial Account of the Behaviour of Simon, Lord Lovat. London: C. Corbett, [1747], 8vo, disbound, [ESTC T4560]; [Scotland, Parliament] An Account of the Proceedings of the Parliament of Scotland, which met at Edinburgh May 6, 1703. 1704. 8vo, modern quarter calf, [ESTC T84508]; Gentleman's Magazine 1745, volume 15, contemporary calf, rubbed (11)