A George IV three-piece tea service Y
Auction: 7 March 2023 at 10:00 GMT
J E Terry & Co., London 1823, comprising a teapot, twin-handled sugar basin and a milk jug, all of circular baluster form with bold chased floral and foliate decoration, the stylised foliate cartouche with engraved monogram to the centre, C-scroll handles with ornate foliate decoration, ivory insulators to teapot, and budding finial to lid of teapot, all raised on a moulded circular foot with chased floral decoration
Height of teapot: 15cm, combined weight: 57.4oz
With non-transferable CITES self-certification number: 2MTXG8JR
Please be aware that this lot contains material which may be subject to import/export restrictions, especially outside the EU, due to CITES regulations. Please note it is the buyer's sole responsibility to obtain any relevant export or import licence. For more information visit http://www.defra.gov.uk/ahvla-en/imports-exports/cites/