Magic, Twentieth Century
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 30 September 2020 at 11:00 BST
Hamilton, T. The Hermanns in San Francisco 1870-1927, 1995, wrappers, inscribed copy;
Holzinser, J.N. Non Plus Ultra. 1998, 2 vol., slipcase;
Caveney, M. Wonders, the Conference Illusions. 2013, slipcase;
Christopher, M. Panorama of Magic. 1962, wrappers;
Ewing, T.A. Conjurors and Cornfields, 1999, wrappers, inscribed;
Olson, R. Carl Rosinik is Life and Magic. 1966, wrappers;
Dauscher, W. SS. Adams. High Priest of Pranks, 2002;
Davenport Book Catalogue. 1981, rebound, 2 copies;
Andrews, V. The Triumphs and Tragedies of Horace Goldwin. 1983, cloth, inscribed;
Fuscher, O. Illustrated Magic. 1951;
Wels, B.G. The Great Illusion of Magic. 1977, dw;
Behnke, L. Will Rock Presents. 2007;
Waldman, C. The Art of Magic. 1997, dw;
Magic Circle Jubilee Souvenir 1905-1995, cloth;
Ryder, W. & G. Gilbert. The Great Book of Magic. 1976, wrappers;
Micky Hades Encyclopaedia of Suspensions and Levitations. 1976;
Whaley, B. Who’s who in Magic. 1991, cloth; Warlock, P. New Pentagram. Vo. 20, no. 5, cloth;
Vaucason, J. An Account of the Mechanism of an Automata. 1979, cloth;
Farrer-Brown, T. Charming Pollock, wrappers;
Andrews, Val. Fred Culpitt, 2001, wrappers, Margaret Yates Magic Library bookplate;
Andrews, Val. Lyle’s Cavalcade of Mysteries. 1983, cloth;
Bergern, B. Willard the Wizard. 1978, dw;
Rauscher, W.V. Goebel… Man with Magical Mind. 2010, dw;
Rauscher, W.V. The Mind Readers. 2002, dw.;
Thurston, G. My Magic Husband. 2006, dw;
Dawes, E.A. The Magical Writings of. (c. 1996), wrappers;
Hugard, J. John Hugard Testimonial. 1945, wrappers;
McCullagh. B. Under the S. Cross. 2001, wrappers (quantity)
Provenance: From the collection of the Late Trevor Dawson