Magic, a large collection
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 30 September 2020 at 11:00 BST
Smith, L. The Floyd Thayer Book. Keep the Wheels Turning, 1992, vol. 2, no 240/1000 copies, signed;
Goldston, W. The Magician Annual. 1908-09, wrappers bound in;
Blackstone, H. The Blackstone Book of Magic and Illusion, 1985, Magic Circle Foundation Library bookplate;
Andrus, J. Andrus Card Control. 2002, vol. 1-2 bound in 1, wrappers bound in;
Lustig, D. La Vellmals Vaudeville Budget for Magicians, 1921, wrappers;
Marlo’s Magazine. Volumes 3-5, 1979-84, wrappers bound in;
Marlo’s Magazine. Vol. 5, 1984, cloth, wrappers bound in, presentation copy;
Close, M. Workers. Nos. 1-3 bound in 2 vols., wrappers bound in;
Duffie, P. The Dave Campbell Legacy. Close up Magic. 2004, dw;
Gibson, W. The Complete Illustrated Book of Card Magic. 1970, dw;
Racherbaumer, J. Kabala. 1980-81, vol. 1-2; Racherbaumer, J. The Lost Pages of the Kabbala. 1981, cloth;
The Yankee Magic Collector. Vol. 4-5, wrappers bound in;
Magicol. Nos. 140-149, wrappers bound in;
Guastaferro, J. One Degree, 2020, wrappers;
The Pallbearers Review. 1965, 1968 and 1970, with some issues supplied in photocopy;
MacQueen-Pope. Ghosts and Greasepaint. 1951;
Severn, B. Magic across the Table. 1975;
Genii. 75th Anniversary Issue, December 2012, wrappers bound in;
Underwood, P. Ghosts of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, 1983;
Breese, M. The Magic of Al K. 1983, wrappers;
Anverdi. 50 Years of Magical Creations, 1992, dw;
Novicke, J. Tommy Cooper Just Like That, 1998, dw;
Bellenghi, A. Cartomancy. 1988, dw;
Einhorn, N. The Practical Encyclopaedia of Magic. 2004, dw; and a few paperbacks;
Thurston, Howard. Card Tricks. 1901, original cloth, hinges weak;
Desmond, F. Everybody’s Guide to Conjuring, [c.1900], worn;
Hermann, Alexander. Hermann’s Book of Magic Black Art fully exposed. 1902, wrappers;
Hermann, Alexander. Hermann’s Wizard Manual. 1913, wrappers;
Downs, T.N. The Art of Magic. 1909, cloth, rubbed; another copy, 1921, hinges weak;
Elbiguet. Supplementary Magic, [c.1913];
Devant, D. Lessons in Conjuring. 1922, boards;
Booth, J. Super Magical Miracles. 1930, original boards;
Branson, L. Indian Conjuring. [n.d.], original boards;
Smith, H.A. Master Mysteries of 1933, wrappers;
Ganson, L. Routined Manipulation. N.d., dw;
Blackstone, H. Blackstone’s Modern Card Tricks. 1941, dw;
Hall, T.H. Reading is believing. 1947, boards;
Fitzkee, D. Magic by Misdirection, 1945;
Fitzkee, D. Showmanship for Magicians, 1945;
Fitzkee, D. The Trick Brain. 1944, dw;
Histed, L.S. The Magic of L.S. Histed. 1947, presentation copy, cloth;
Baker, A. Mental Magic. 1949, cloth;
Ganson, L. The Art of Close Up Magic. [c.1968], dw;
Ganson, L. Dai Vernon’s tribute to Nate Leipzig. [n.d.];
Hall, T.H. The Testament of Ralph W. Hull, n.d.;
Hall, T.H. Nothing is Impossible. [n.d.];
Becker, L. World of Super Mentalism. 1989, cloth;
Gibson, C.R. Chemical Amusements & Experiments, [n.d.];
Behnke, L. Impromptu Magic. 1980, dw;
Schindler, G. Magic with Everyday Objects. 1976, dw;
Christopher, M. Varied Deceptions. [c.1953];
Hunter, N. Successful Conjuring for Amateurs, 1951, dw;
Griffith, T. An Invitation to Mystery, [n.d]., dw;
Melton, H.K. The Official CIA manual of Trickery & Deception. 2010, boards;
Booth, J. The John Booth Classics. [n.d.], dw;
Cooper, Tommy. Joke Book, Secret Joke Files, Mirth Magic & Mischief;
Ganson, L. The Art of Close Up Magic, vol. 2, [n.d.];
Johnson, R. Silver Special. 1989, dw, signed copy;
The Roy Johnson Experience. [n.d.], dw;
Miller, H. The Art of Eddie Joseph. [n.d.], dw;
Hay. H. Cyclopaedia of Magic. 1949, dw;
Fitzkee, D. Rings in your Fingers. 1946;
Elliott, B. Professional Magic made Easy. 1959, dw;
Gill, R. Magic as a Performing Art. 1976, dw;
Ganson, Lewis. Marconick’s Silk Magic. N.d., dw;
Ganson, L. C.Y. Endfield’s Entertaining Card Magic, part 1, nd.;
Ganson, L. Routined Manipulation, parts 1 & 2, n.d.;
Ganson, L. Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards, [n.d.];
McComb, B. McComb’s Magic. [n.d.], dw;
McComb, B. McCombical. 2014, dw;
Fisher, J. John Fisher’s Magic Book, 1968;
Fisher, J. The Magic of Lewis Carroll. 1973, dw;
Fitzkee, D. The Card Expert Entertains. 1948, wrappers;
Fitzkee, D. The Strange Inventions of Dr. Errin, 1937, wrappers;
Fox, K. Clever like a Fox. 1977, dw;
Elliott, B. Classic Secrets of Magic. 1953, dw;
D’Egerdon, E. Aids to Wizardry, ex Magic Circle copy, wrappers; and a few others, original cloth or boards unless noted
Provenance: From the collection of the Late Trevor Dawson