Gill, Eric (1882-1940)
Collection of wood-engravings and other ephemera
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 28 September 2022 from 10:00 BST
various dimensions and paper stocks (many on lightweight Japanese paper and presumably proofs), and comprising:
1) Nativity in Cave, Christmas card, 1916 [Skelton P79];
2) Palm Sunday, from God and the Dragon, 1917 [Skelton P86];
3) Toilet, after a drawing from life of Norval Gray, 1923, mounted [Skelton P256];
4) Set of initial letters from Autumn Midnight, 1923, comprising: I, 3 copies; T; W; and Y; together with Crown of Thorns, from St Thomas Aquinas Calendar, 1923, all in miniature translucent paper envelope [Skelton P249, P246, P233, P243];
5) Invitation to the weddings of Elizabeth Gill and David Pepler, and Teslin O'Donnell and Lawrence Cribb, 1927;
6) Our Lord on Tree, from Troilus and Criseyde, 1927;
7) Pigotts Roads, 1928;
8) Invitation to the wedding of Petra Gill and Dennis Tegetmeier, 1930;
9) The Canterbury Tales, sample page, c.1930;
10) St Matthew, from The Passion of our Lord, 1934 [Skelton P862];
11) Woman with Ship, from The Aldine Bible, Vol. III, 1935 [Skelton P893];
12) Mother and Stars and Moon, from Quia Amore Langueu and In a Strange Land, 1936 [Skelton P916];
13) Rahera, from Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, 1937, out-of-series copy from the edition of 100 [Skelton P964];
14) Griffin and motto, bookplate for Nigel Warren, 1937 [Skelton 922];
15) David and Goliath, from The English Bible, 1938 [Skelton P982];
16) Blind Girl, design for an advertisement for the National Institute for the Blind, 1939 [Skelton P991];
17) [Nude female torso], mounted
Provenance: Property of an English collector.