Shelley, Percy Bysshe
A collection, including
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 2 February 2022 at 10:00 GMT
Queen Mab. London: W. Clark, 1821, First published edition, 8vo, with dedication to Harriet at beginning, unmutilated version on thick fine paper referred to by Forman - Shelley Library, p.47, contemporary half morocco, rubbed, corner of endpaper cut away; Queen Mab. London: R. Carlile, 1822, Clarke's edition of 1821 with Carlile's cancel title-page but no paste-over of the Thomas Moses imprint at the end, contemporary embossed calf, neatly rebacked; Queen Mab. London: R. Carlile, 1823, with dedication to Harriet at end, contemporary half calf, [unrecorded re-issue, Wm. St. Clair note]; Queen Mab. London: John Brooks, 1829. 8vo, engraved title, with dedication, later black half morocco gilt; Queen Mab. New York: J. Baldwin, 1821, 12mo, original boards, rubbed; Queen Mab. New York: Wright & Owen, 1831, 8vo, half morocco, worn, cover detached; Shelley, P. B. The Poetical Works. London: E. Moxon, 1840, edited by Mrs Shelley, first 1 volume authorised edition, engraved title and portrait, contemporary green calf gilt, lower joint cracking; Shelley, P. B. The Poetical Works, edited by Harry Buxton Forman. 1876, 4 volumes, 8vo, original cloth; and c. 25 later 19th century editions of Shelley's works (quantity)
Provenance: From the Library of the Late William St Clair