Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron (1520-98)
Autograph letter signed
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 13 July 2022 from 10:00 BST
to Matthew Hutton Dean of York and later Archbishop of York, 'Good Mr Deane, I most hartely thank y[ou] for your harty commendations, which this berer Mr. Ramsden delyveyred me, with a token in gold, being the monument of the good elect king Edward my master, whom God took seasonably for his soule to be a kyng in heaven, and onseasonably from this his erthely kingdom, thereby blessing him, and scourgying us. God favor us now in the reign of our Soverayn with more of his marcy, though I feare our offences are gretar. From Buxton, the xiith of August, 1577.
Yours most assured loveing frend,
W. Burghley
God contynew his graces in you, by which your liff and actions ar reported very good of all your neighbors; and in sekying to reform those that ar out of the waye, the ordinary way to reduce them which I heare you use is, by gentle instruction of them first to se and fele their palpable errors, and so to prepare them to se the truth.
[Addressed in another hand on outer face of the blank folded folio] To my very loving ffrend Mr Doctor Hutton, Deane of the Cathedrall Churche at Yorke.
Note: Lord Burghley seems to endorse Hutton's approach to religious reform.