Continental volumes
7 Books, including
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 17 June 2020 at 11:00 BST
Naisl, A. Speculum Cleri Ultriusque. Cologne: A. Metternich, 1710. 4to, 3 parts in one volume, contemporary embossed pigskin over wooden boards, somewhat spotted; Van der Putte, Hendrik Historiae Insubricae sive Barbaricae ab origine gentis... Frankfurt & Leipzig: J. Grossius, [1678], 4to, contemporary vellum, somewhat spotted, slight wear to vellum fore-edge; [Breviary] Le Brevaire Romain. Paris: D. Thierry, 1688. 8vo, parallel text in Latin & French, contemporary calf, g.e., extremities slightly rubbed; De Sousa, J. Documentos Arabicos para a historia Portugueza copiados dos Originaes. Lisbon, 1790. First edition, 8vo, text in Arabic and Portuguese, owner's name on small slip affixed to title, contemporary tree calf; Pagnino, Santi Epitome thesauri linguae sanctae. Antwerp: Ex officina Plantiniana, 1590. 8vo, [395pp], contemporary vellum, fore margin of title worn with loss of a few letters on verso, contemporary vellum, some dampstaining, binding slightly bowed, Justinian. Historiae Philippicae. Leiden, J. Hackius, 1683. 8vo, frontispiece, contemporary calf, spine gilt; Sirmond, Antoine De immortalitate animae. Paris: G. Losse, 1635. 8vo, contemporary vellum, some spotting and light soiling, contemporary vellum, binding somewhat soiled, [USTC 6003723]; sold not subject to return (7)