Antiquarian literature
Collection of editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th-19th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Quintilian. De institutione oratoria … emendavit … Edmundus Gibson. Oxford: e Theatro Sheldoniano impensis Henrici Cruttenden, 1693. 4to, contemporary mottled calf stamped in blind, imprimatur leaf, front board partly detached;
Plautus. Comoediae … ex recensione Joh. Frederici Gronovii. Leiden: ex officina Hackiana, 1669. 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporary calf, engraved title-page to volume 1, half-title to volume 2;
Kennett, Basil. Romae Antiquae Notitia: or, the Antiquities of Rome … The Third Edition revised, corrected, and augmented with New Sculptures. Oxford: at the Theater, for Timothy Child, and Robert Knaplock, 1704. 8vo, contemporary mottled calf ruled in blind, engraved portrait frontispiece, 12 engraved folding plates (collation not established), errata leaf;
Sallust. Opera Omnia excusa ad editionem Cortii cum editionibus Havercampi et Gabrielis Antonii collatam. London: T. & T. Payne, 1789. 8vo, contemporary calf, printed on thick paper (possibly a large-paper copy), Murray family gift inscription on initial blank, wear to headcap;
Cicero. Thoughts, on the Following Subjects, viz. I. Religion. … XII. Miscellaneous Thoughts. Published in Latin and French by the Abbé d'Olivet; to which is now added, an English Translation, with Notes. London: for J. Newbery, and R. Griffiths, 1750. 12mo, contemporary calf, contemporary bookplate of Alexander Bower of Methie, ownership inscription ‘John Bower, Rutland Regt’ to margin of p. 94;
and 13 others similar, including editions of Homer, Tacitus, Arrian, etc., all British imprints, leather-bound (26)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.