Antiquarian literature
Collection of English and French books, 16th-18th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
William of Tyre. Histoire de la guerre saincte, dite proprement, la Franciade orientale … traduite en françois, par Gabriel du Preau. Paris: Nicols Chesneau, 1573. Folio, contemporary calf, gilt strapwork lozenges and monogram ‘R R’ to covers, title-page near detached, lacking free endpapers, a6 working loose [not in Adams];
Sandys, George (translator). Ovid's Metamorphosis. Englished, Mythologiz'd, and represented in FIgures. An Essay to the Translation of Virigl's Aeneis. Oxford: John Lichfield, 1632. Folio, contemporary calf, engraved portrait frontispiece and additional title-page, 14 engraved plates (of 15, lacking the plate for Book 9), spine defective, marginal fraying to first two quires including frontispiece and engraved title, a few plates similarly frayed [Sabin 57984; STC 18966];
Knolles, Richard. The Generall Historie of the Turkes. London: Adam Islip, 1603. Folio, contemporary calf, prelims incomplete, engraved title-page torn with loss, final leaf torn with loss, several leaves crudely repaired;
Bion, Nicolas. The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments. London: by H. W. for John Senex, and William Taylor, 1723. First edition in English, folio, contemporary panelled calf, lacking several plates;
and 5 other folios including Geoffrey Chaucer, The Works, [London: Bernard Linton, 1721] (folio, contemporary calf, covers detached, engraved portrait frontispiece, incomplete, title-page replaced in manuscript) (9)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.