Collection of Scottish imprints, 17th-19th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
[Oriental tales]. A Select Collection of Oriental Tales. Calculates to form the Minds of Youth to the Love of Virtue and True Wisdom. Edinburgh: W. Gordon [and others], 1776. First edition, 12mo, viii 256 pp., contemporary sheep-backed boards, engraved frontispiece, front board near-detached;
Monteith, Robert. An Theater of Mortality: or, the Illustrious Inscriptions extant upon the several Monuments, erected over the dead Bodies, (of the sometime Honourable Persons) buried within the Grayfriars Church Yard; and other Churches and Burial-Places within the City of Edinburgh and Suburbs. Edinburgh: heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1704. 8vo, [8] 78 [2] pp., contemporary sprinkled sheep, decorative blind panels to sides, closed tear in D1, ownership inscription of Anthony Murray to title-page;
Kerr, John. Cantici Solomonis paraphrasis gemina. Edinburgh: Thomas Ruddiman, 1727. 8vo, [16] 96 pp., contemporary blind-ruled sheep, inscribed ‘Ex libris Anthonii Murray Octob 18 1727’ on rear free endpaper, his ownership inscription and initials to title-page, engraved bookplate (Murray Esqr of Crieff) to front pastedown), damp-stain to head of prelims;
Harvey, John. The Life of Robert Bruce King of Scots. A Poem. Edinburgh: G. Hamilton and J. Balfour, 1741. 4to, [12] 232 pp., contemporary sheep, contemporary inscriptions ‘Dav. Rolle’ and ‘gifted by him to A M’ on initial blank;
James VI and I. The Sett, or Decreet Arbitral of King James the 6th. of Blessed Memory. Deciding all Differences betwixt Merchants and Trades, anent the Government of the City of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683. 12mo, [10] 34 [2] 16 [2] 4 pp., contemporary blind-ruled sheep, half-title, spine worn, front joint cracked at foot, without endpapers, marginal worm-track to rear [Wing S2647];
Simson, Archibald. Hieroglyphica animalium terrestrium, volatilium, natatilium, reptilium, insectorum, vegetivorum, metallorum, lapidum, etc. Quae in scripturis sacris inveniuntur. Edinburgh: Thomas Finlason, 1622-3. First edition, 2 volumes (of 3) in 1, 4to, contemporary sprinkled calf, blind scalloped roll to covers, lacking the final volume ‘Hieorographica Insectorum [etc.]’ (52 pp.), but bound with another work at rear, i.e. Andrew Willet, Tetrastylon Papismi, London: by Felix Kingston for Thomas Man, 1599, third edition, damp-staining, headlines and side-notes shaved, colophon leaf trimmed down and tipped in [STC 22567 & 25703];
and 11 others (not collated, including: George Hickes, translator, Instructions for the Education of a Daughter, 1751; Arthur Johnston and others, Poetarum Scotorum Musae Sacrae, 1739; W. Nicolson, The Scottish Historical Library, 1702; John Fernie, A History of the Town and Parish of Dunfermline, 1815; Hugh and John McCallum, An Original Collection of the Poems of Ossian, Montrose, 1816; and similar) (18)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.