Charles Ricketts, Aubrey Beardsley and Pear Tree Press
5 volumes, comprising
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 23 June 2021 at 11:00 BST
Farjeon, Eleanor: A Sussex Alphabet. The Pear Tree Press, 1939. Number 11 of 220 copies, colour woodcuts by Sheila M. Thompson, original green pictorial boards, lightly rubbed and discoloured at extreme edge, uncut; Ricketts, Charles. Unrecorded Histories, with six designs by the author. London: M. Secker, 1933, limited to 950 copies, original pictorial cloth gilt, t.e.g., uncut, spine slightly discoloured; Walker, R.A. Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley. 1923. 4to, number 114 of 500 copies signed by the author, plates, original buckram, t.e.g., uncut, binding somewhat spotted; Beardsley, Aubrey. The Uncollected Work. London: J. Lane, 1925. 4to, plates, original pictorial white buckram, uncut; Masefield, John. The Hawbucks. 1929, number 65 of 275 copies signed by the author, original quarter parchment, uncut (5)