Eighteenth Century works, a quantity, including
Swift, Jonathan
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 23 June 2021 at 11:00 BST
A Tale of a Tub. 1705, Fourth edition, 8vo, contemporary calf, lacks pp.277-278, calf, worn, one cover detached; Oldmixon, John. The History of Addresses. 1709. volume 1 only, contemporary calf, worn; Rocque, John. The Traveller's Assistant. 1764. 12mo, volume 2 only, contemporary calf, rebacked; Montesquieu, Baron de. The Spirit of Laws. 1752. Second edition, 2 volumes, contemporary calf, rubbed; Martin, Benjamin. The Young Trigonometer's Compleat Guide. 1736, volume 2 only, 7 folding plates, contemporary calf, rubbed; Fore-edge painting. Huntington, W. Discoveries and Cautions from the Streets of Zion. 1798, 8vo, contemporary blue morocco, fore edge painting of a gentleman coming to the aid of another gentleman lying on a track beside a river, rubbed; Brooke, Henry. The Fool of Quality... in four volumes. 1747-70, Second edition, 5 volumes, contemporary quarter calf, uncut, rubbed; Chapone, Mrs. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. 1787, 2 volumes, 12mo, contemporary calf, red morocco labels; Treaty of Navigation and Commerce between the most Serene... Anne... and Lewis the XIV. Edinburgh, 1713, 4to, 19th century half calf, cover detached; Chatterton, Thomas. Poems. 1777, Second edition, contemporary half calf, rubbed; Robertson, Alexander. Poems on various Subjects and Occasions. Edinburgh, [c. 1750], contemporary calf, rubbed; and 26 others, all 18th century; sold not subject to return (43)