19th Century leather bound volumes
a quantity, including
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 23 June 2021 at 11:00 BST
General Stud-Book, containing Pedigrees of Race Horses. London, 1808, 8vo, contemporary half calf, neatly rebacked retaining original spine; Leyden, Dr. John. The Poetical Remains. 1819. 8vo, red morocco gilt, t.e.g.; Redgrave, Richard. A Century of Painters. 1866. 2 volumes extended to 4, extra-illustrated with numerous engravings, etchings and lithographs, most laid to size, contemporary calf, red and green morocco labels, spines gilt, bookplates of W.A. Harding of Madingley, Stowe, Harriet B. Uncle Tom's Cabin. London: J. Cassell, 1852, 8vo, lacks frontispiece, contemporary half calf; Reynolds, Frederic, editor. The Keepsake for MDCCCXXXIII. [1834], 8vo, plates, red morocco gilt, g.e.; Dyke, H. van. The Ruling Passion. New York, 1901, olive morocco gilt, t.e.g.; [Beloe, William] The Sexagenarian. 1817. 2 volumes, 8vo, modern half calf gilt; Adams, George. Geometrical and Graphical Essays. 1797. 8vo, frontispiece, contemporary calf, worn, covers detached, lacking the 34 plates; Rhind, W.G. The Creation illustrated by Six Engravings.[c.1840], 8vo, plates, red half morocco gilt; Blumenthal, Madame de. The Life of General de Zieten. Berlin, 1803, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporary half calf; Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus. 1858, with autographed slip pasted to half-title "Paradise is under the shadow of your swords" said the Emir, "Forward1", T. Carlyle, 5 Cheyne Row, Chelsea, 22nd March 1862", half calf, worn, cover detached; and c. 90 other leather bindings, various sizes, various conditions; sold not subject to return (quantity)