Children's Books
A 19th and 20th century collection
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Lang, Andrew. The Green Fairy Book. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, original green cloth gilt, some splitting to hinges, early gift inscription;
Idem. The True Story Book. London, 1893. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, original blue cloth gilt, early gift inscription;
Idem. The Red True Story Book. London, 1895. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, original red cloth gilt, early gift inscription;
Idem. The Book of Romance. London, 1902. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, original blue cloth gilt, initial leaves a little loose;
Milne, A.A. - and E.H. Shepard. The House at Pooh Corner. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1928] First edition, 8vo, original pink cloth gilt, gift inscription dated 1929;
Struwwelpeter or Naughty Children: A Merry Card Game, complete with 36 cards, in a later box;
The History of Little Fanny, exemplified in a series of figures. London: S. and J. Fuller, 1811. 16mo, with 6 doll pieces only (of 7), head piece also lacking, original wrappers and card case;
“Carroll, Lewis” [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] The Hunting of the Snark. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1898. 8vo, original red cloth gilt
[Cooker, T. Crofton] Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland. London: John Murray, 1834. Small 8vo (15 x 10cm), contemporary half calf, early ownership signature;
Potter, Beatrix. Histoire de Jeannot Lapin [Benjamin Bunny]. Paris: Librairie Rombaldi, [n.d.] 12mo, original cream boards;
Rider-Haggard, H. The Wizard. Bristol: J.W. Arrowsmith, 1896. 12mo, original brown cloth gilt, with advertisements;
and 20 others, including: Stevenson, Island Nights' Entertainments; Idem. The Wrecker; Uttley, Alison: 9 Little Grey Rabbit &co. books, and another; Pullman. The Amber Spyglass, third impression, signed; Temperley. Harry and the Wrinkles, signed, paperback; Lofting. Doctor Doolittle's Caravan. Paolini. Eragon, signed; and 4 others, including a faux book containing a spring snake (31)