Collection of Scottish chapbooks
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
All 18mo, 24mo or 32mo (but similar dimensions, approx. 10 x 6cm to 10.5 x 6.8cm), original printed wrappers (blue, buff or grey), woodcut illustrations in text unless otherwise stated.
[Ross's Juvenile Library]. Edinburgh: G. Ross [some also published by Caw & Elder], 1813-18. Comprising:
1) The Royal Fabulist, no date, 19 pp., inked initials on front wrapper;
2) Cinderilla [sic], or, The Little Glass Slipper; and Master Cat, or, Puss in Boots. Tales from Mother Goose, 1817. 47 pp., without text-illustrations (but with woodcut of Mother Goose to inside front wrapper);
3) Nursery Songs, 1813, 18 pp., inked initials on front wrapper;
4) A New Lottery Book, 1817, 47 pp., small chip to pp. 45-6 affecting costing half a letter verso;
5) The Picture Alphabet, undated, 18 pp.;
6) Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to Lilliput, 1817, 47 pp., inked initial on front wrapper;
7) The Story of Mary and her Cat, 1817, 31 pp.;
8) The Royal Alphabet: or, Child's Guide in the Road to Learning, no date, inked initial on front wrapper;
9) The Rise of Learning, or Ground-Work of Science … By Mrs Winlove, 1817, 47 pp., partly split on spine, inked initial on front wrapper;
10 & 11) The Famous History of Whittington and his Cat, no date, 2 copies, 19 pp., one with wrappers chipped;
12) Nursery Songs, 1813, 18 pp.;
13) The Entertaining History of Giles Gingerbread, a Little Boy who lived upon Learning, 1813, 18 pp., front wrapper creased);
14) The History of Master Jackey and Miss Harriot. Dedicated to the Good Children of Europe, Asia, Africa and America, 1813, 19 pp.;
15) An Elegy on the Death and Burial of Cock Robin, no date, slight separation of wrappers at head and foot of spine;
16) The Child's Delight, no date, 18 pp., spine chipped and frayed, headlines shaved;
17) The Golden Present, 1813, 19 pp.;
18) The History of Little Pippin, 47 pp.;
19) Jack Dandy's Delight: or, the History of Birds and Beasts, 1813, 19 pp., front wrapper chipped at corner and with inked initials;
20) Puzzling Cap: a Choice Collection of Riddles, no date, 18 pp., loose in wrappers;
21) Tom Thumb's Play-Book, 1813, 19 pp., loss to lower fore corner of front wrapper and first 2 leaves.
[J. Lumsden & Son]. Glasgow: J. Lumsden & Son, c.1814:
22) Johnny Gilpins Funny Journay, no date, [16] pp., printed in red woodcut throughout,;
23) The Trial and Execution of the Sparrow, no date, [16] pp., engraved throughout, printed in red, inked initial to front wrapper;
24) A Description of Bartholomew Fair and the Funny Folks There, no date, [16] pp., engraved throughout, printed in red, inked initial to front wrapper;
25) The Raree Show, or Exhibition of Pretty Pictures, no date, [16] pp., engraved throughout, printed in red, inked initial to front wrapper, wrappers partially split on spine;
26) The Entertaining Story of Little Cinderella and the Glass Slipper, from the Tales of Mother Goose, no date, marbled wrappers (not pictorial), 16 pp., 4 engraved plates printed in red;
27) Cries of London, 16 pp., inked initial to front wrapper;
28) Fairy Tales of Past Times from Mother Goose, 1814, 47 pp., inked initial to front wrapper; and 2 others (30)