Autograph and letter album
Including Henry Foley, Baden-Powell and Raja Sir Jagatjit Singh, ruler of Kapurthala, among others
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Autograph letter signed from Henry Foley, 22nd Oct. 1898; Marquis of Dufferin & Ava, sending a photograph, 10th Dec. 1888; autograph letter signed from George Baden-Powell, 11th Nov. 1893; clipped signature of W.E. Gladstone, E.H. Plumptree, Dean Farrar, on the inadvisability of founding yet another Temperance Society, undated; autograph letter signed from Hallam Tennyson to Baden-Powell; autograph letter signed from Ellen Bayly, 30th Oct. 1893; autograph letter signed from Beatrice Harraden, undated; autograph letter signed from Anthony H. Hawkins, 23rd May 1900; a note signed from Alma Tadema, 15th Sept. 1896, clipped signature of Richard F. Burton; autograph letter signed from Raja Sir Jagatjit Singh, ruler of Kapurthala, 3 pages, 25th Dec. 1897, mostly written to General Morton or his daughter Miss Amy Morton, red morocco gilt album