Bannatyne Club
Collection of editions of medieval and early modern chronicles, histories, muniments books and similar works
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
all 4to, titles include: Chronicon de Lancercost, M.CC.I-M.CCC.XLVI., 1839, original cloth, partly unopened;
The History of the Troubles and Memorable Transactions in Scotland and England, from M.D.C.XXIV. to M.DC.XLV. By John Spalding, 1828. 2 volumes, original half morocco, partly unopened;
Liber Sancte Marie de Melros. Munimenta Vetustiora monasterii Cisterciensis de Melros, 1837, 2 volumes, original half morocco, partly unopened;
A Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents that have passed within the Country of Scotland since the Death of King James the Fourth till the Year M.D.LXXV., 1833, original half morocco, largely unopened;
The History of Scotland, from the Death of King James I. in the Year M.CCCC.XXXVI, to the Year M.D.LXI. by John Lesley, Bishop of Ross, 1830, original half morocco;
and approx. 35 others (including various editions of memoirs and letters) (approx. 50)
1. George Stirling Home Drummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (1813-1872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian (bookplates).
2. The Library of a Scottish Gentleman.