Bannatyne Club
Collection of early works
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
4to, original half or quarter olive-green morocco, titles comprise:
Vitae Dunkeldensis Ecclesiae Episcoporum, 1823, bookplate of James Nairne of Claremont;
Poems by Sir David Murray of Gorthy, 1823, name of original subscriber Robert Bell picked out in red in list of club members;
The Buke of the Howlat. By Holland, 1823, bookplate of James Nairne of Claremont;
Teares for the Death of Alexander Earle of Dunermeling, Lord Chancellar of Scotland, 1823, name of original subscriber Patrick Fraser Tytler picked out in red in list of club members;
Discours particulier d'Escosse, 1824, inscribed ‘To Alexander Young Esqr with Mr Thomsons best respects’ on initial blank, bookplate of Alexander Young to front pastedown;
Report by Thomas Tucker upon the Settlement of the Revenues of Excise and Customs in Scotland. A. D. MDCLVI., 1824;
Auld Robin Gray; a Ballad, 1825;
Recit de l'expedition en Ecosse l'an M D XLVI, 1825;
Hectoris Boetii Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitae, 1825;
The Discoverie and Historie of the Gold Mynes iin Scotland, 1825;
De vita et morte Robertii Rollok, academiae Edinburgenae primarii, narrationes, 1826;
The Palice of Honour. By Gawyn Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld, 1827, inscribed ‘To James Nairne Esqr with Mr John G. Kinnear's compliments on initial blank, bookplate of James Nairne of Claremont to front pastedown;
The History of the House of Seytoun to the Year M.D.LIX, 1829 (13)
1. George Stirling Home Drummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (1813-1872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian, with his bookplate to each work.
2. The Library of a Scottish Gentleman.
Respectively numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 31 in the Bannatyne Club series. The Bannatyne Club was an antiquarian printing society founded in Edinburgh in 1823 by Sir Walter Scott on the model of London's Roxburghe Club.