Estimate: £400 - £600
Auction: 19 September 2024 from 10:00 BST
George Sinclair, 4th Earl of Caithness (d.1582). Assignation to the right of reversion of land in Noss, Caithness, in favour of his son George Sinclair, 5th Earl of Caithness (d.1643), 1572, in English, signatures lower right (somewhat indistinct), 30 x 28cm, retaining armorial red wax seal;
George Sinclair, 5th Earl of Caithness (d,1643). Charter, 1597, in Latin, signed lower right ‘Caithnes manu sua [Caithness, his hand]', and ‘Jene Cuntess of Caithnes & William Sinclair fiar of Caithnes’ (both in the same hand), 45 x 42cm, retaining one armorial red wax seal (of 3),
ibid. Charter, 1588, In Latin, signed lower right by Caithness (‘Caithnes concentis') and James Sinclair of Murkill (Murchill/Murkle), grandson of the 4th Earl and son of John, Master of Caithness, 25 x 35cm;
George Sinclair, 6th Earl of Caithness (d. 1661). Precept of clare constat, 1661, in Latin, with autograph signature ‘Caithness’ lower right, 18.5 x 55cm.
Together with: 12 further vellum deeds, 16th-18th century, including instruments of sasine concerning Lord James Sinclair (17th century), documents relating to the buchanan family of Carbeth (Stirlingshire), charter signed by George, Lord Forrester, 1645, with seal; and a very large quantity of approx. 200 related documents on paper, including legal documents, accounts, letters, relating to families including Sinclair, Murray, Campbell, Cunningham, etc., and locations including Thurso, Clardon, etc., mainly 17th-18th century, some 19th century, housed in a japanned metal deed box