Auction: 28 October 2015 at 10:00 GMT
including: 7 engravings by J. Pesne after N. Poussin [Quodcunque ligaveris super terram; Remittuntur ei peccata multa; Venit Jesus ad Iohannem; Matria desponsata Joseph, &c.]. Paris: [Benoit] Audran, [16--], each 2 sheets joined., c.52 x 76cm; 3 engravings by Stephane Baudet after N. Poussin, each 2 sheets joined, trimmed, one to within neatline, c.57 x 65mm.; Veduta delle due torri di Bologna, after G. Magazzari. Bologna: G. Zecchi, [c.1820]. 45 x 35cm.; 3 engravings by Auguste Boucher Desnoyes after Rapahel. Rome, 1820, 30 x 46cm., margins frayed; engraving of Paris by Rigaud, trimmed to within neatline; The Death of Dido, engraving by J. Grozer after Reynolds, 50 x 59cms.; Julio Martinello, engraving by Salvator Rosa, 64 x 49cm.; Principes pour apprendre a dessiner le paysage d’apres nature, 5 engravings by Philippe Hackert, c.1802, 49 x 37cm., 3 engravings of the basilica in Assisi by G. B. Mariani, 1836, c39 x 49cm.; 7 engravings by G. Volpato after B. Nocchi and others, c.44 x 85cm6 engravings by Nicholas Dorigny Gallus after Raphael, c.51 x 61cm, trimmed to within neatlines, some repairs; most plates stuck into album at corners; and c. 35 others, some trimmed to within neatline, some torn with loss; album very worn
Provenance: Torridon House, Home of The Earls of Lovelace. Click here for further information: http://bit.ly/1MmigxQ