Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658), lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland
Autograph letter signed to Richard Norton (1615-1691), 3rd April 1648
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written cross- and lengthways on two pages of a single bifolium (30.5 x 39cm), over 700 words in total, signed 'O Cromwelle', frequent autograph corrections, laid down on card, old folds, later manuscript docket (probably 18th century)
With the country descending into a second civil war, Cromwell seeks to expedite the marriage of his son Richard to Dorothy Maijor (1627-1676), daughter of Richard Maijor, an obscure member of the Hampshire gentry.
The recipient, Richard Norton, was a leading parliamentarian who had served as a colonel of cavalry in the first civil war and was returned as member of parliament for Hampshire in 1645. It was probably Norton who had introduced Cromwell to Maijor, and he subsequently served as intermediary in the negotiations, which began in February 1648 and were not concluded until May the following year.
Although Cromwell is known to have expressed doubts about the 'godliness' of an alternative, more lucrative match, monetary concerns were evidently central to his consideration of Dorothy's own suitability. Cromwell's detailed discussion of such matters is a fascinating insight into both his financial and domestic arrangements:
'Mr Maior desired 400 l. p anum of inheritance lyinge in Cambridge shire and Norfolke to bee presently settled and to be for maintenance, wherein I desired to be advised by my wife ... Having beene enformed by Mr. Robinson that Mr Maior did upon a former match offer to settle the mannor wherein hee lived, and to give 2000l in monie, I did insist upon that, and doe desire itt may not be with difficulty, the monie I shall neede for my two little wenches, and thereby I shall free my sonn from beinge charge with them. Mr Maior parts with nothing in present but that monie, saving thir board, wch I should not bee unwilling to give them to enyoy the comfort of their society ... Truly the land to bee settled both what the Parliament gives mee, and my owne, is very little lesse than 3000l per anum all thinges considered. If I bee rightly enformed. And a lawyer of Lincolns Inn having searched all the Marquess of Worcesters writings wch were taken att Ragland and sent for by the Parliament and this gentleman appointed by the committee to search the sayd writings, assures mee, there is noe scruple concerning the title, and itt soe fell out that this gentleman whoe searched was my owne lawyer, a very godly able man, and my deere friend, wch I reckon noe smale mercy, hee is alsoe possest of the the writings for mee'.
His son's marriage to Dorothy produced four children who survived into adulthood, but ended unhappily, as Richard went into semi-voluntary exile on the continent in 1660 following the Restoration, after which the couple did not see each other again. According to Thomas Carlyle, the 'two little wenches' are Cromwell's daughters Mary and Frances, who by their own respective marriages later became Countess Fauconberg and Lady Russell. Cromwell was close to Norton and dubbed him 'Idle Dick', deploying the nickname towards the end of the letter in a moment of friendly humour ('I know thou art an idle fellow, but prithee neglect mee not now').
Primary source material for Cromwell's activities during the chaotic spring of 1648 is rare: parliamentary diaries for the period are fragmentary, and Cromwell's whereabouts 'are not generally known' (ODNB). Charles made his first attempted escape from Carisbrooke castle on 20 March, and the rapid spread of royalist uprisings will have required Cromwell to travel swiftly and widely across the country. In May he fought his first battle in full command, at Preston, during which the invading Scottish force was decisively defeated. By January 1649, having outmanoeuvred Fairfax to see through the trial and execution of the king, he was the single most powerful figure in England.
Thomas Carlyle (ed.), Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, 1845, volume 1, p. 302.