Lithgow, William
A Most Delectable and True Discourse, of an admired and painefull Peregrination from Scotland
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 2 February 2022 at 10:00 GMT
to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke... the second impression, corrected and enlarged by the Author. London: printed by Nicholas Okes, sold by Thomas Archer, [1616], 4to, [viii], 126, [ii - blank], modern boards, cut close with some loss of running title, sidenotes, catchwords and occasionally small piece of lowest line, p.90 with slight marginal loss affecting a few letters, foremargin of title renewed with loss of a few letters, [ESTC S108584: 3 copies UK, 2 N. America]
Provenance: From the Library of the Late William St Clair