Scott, Sir Walter
The Lady of the Lake
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 2 February 2022 at 10:00 GMT
Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne, 1810. First edition, 4to, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary black half morocco, rubbed; Moore, Thomas Lalla Rookh. London, 1817. First edition, 4to; Scott, Sir Walter The Vision of Don Roderick. Edinburgh: John Ballantyne [&c], 1811, First edition, 4to, half-title, 2 works in one volume, contemporary half calf, spine gilt; Barlow, Joel The Columbiad a Poem. Philadelphia: for C. & A. Conrad, 1807. 4to, engraved portrait and plates, contemporary half calf, dampstained throughout, worn; Bonaparte, Lucien Charlemagne or the Church Delivered. London, 1815, 2 volumes, 4to, engraved frontispiece, contemporary half calf, rebacked; [Byron, Lord] Les Dames de Byron. London, 1835. 4to, engraved plates, contemporary red morocco gilt, g.e., the plates slightly discoloured; Wright, Rev. G.N. The Rhine, Italy and Greece. London: Fisher, [1842], 2 volumes 4to, engraved titles and 71 engraved plates, contemporary panelled blue calf gilt, g.e., lightly rubbed (8)
Provenance: From the Library of the Late William St Clair