Continental books
Collection of works including Elzevir press titles, 17th-18th century
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 19 June 2024 from 10:00 BST
Laet, Johannes de. Gallia, sive de Francorum regis dominiies et opibus commentarius. Leiden: ex officina Elzeviriana, 1629. 16mo, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, engraved title-page;
Stephanius, Stephan Hansen. De regno Daniae et Norwegiae. Leiden: ex officina Elzeviriana, 1629. 16mo, contemporary vellum yapp edges, engraved title-page;
Terence. Comoediae sex ex recensione Heinsiana. Amsterdam: ex officina Elzeviriana, 1661. 12mo, contemporary mottled calf, engraved title-page, front free endpaper detaching'
[Latin authors]. Conciones et orationes ex historicis Latinis excerptae. Amsterdam: ex officina Elzeviriana, 1653. 12mo, contemporary vellum, engraved and letterpress title-page, front inner hinge cracked with stitching strained;
Guarini, Battista. Il Pastor Fido. Leiden: per Giovani Elsevier, 1659. 12mo, contemporary calf, worn, engraved frontispiece and plates;
Kempis, Thomas à. Kempis commun, ou les quatre livres to de l'Imitation de Jesus-Christ. Nouvelle édition, reoutchée et plus correcte. Amsterdam: Henri Wetstein, 1701. 12mo, contemporary dark blue roan gilt, all edges gilt, engraved frontispiece and plates;
Erasmus, Desiderius. Colloquia familiaria. Rotterdam: Renier Leers, 1693. 8vo, contemporary vellum, engraved and letterpress title-pages;
Aesop. [Greek title]. Selectiores Aesopi Fabulae. Paris: Claude Morel, 1625. 8vo, contemporary vellum, block near-detached from covers, endpapers lacking;
Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Scriptae quae extant omnia, historica et rhetorica; nunc primum universa Latine edite. Hanover: typis Wechelianis, apud haeredes Joannas Aubrii, 1615. 8vo, contemporary vellum, front inner hinge split;
and 5 others similar. The lot not fully collated and sold as seen (15)
From the library of the late Robert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geography master at Charterhouse and sometime chairman of the Scottish Castles Association.