Collection of works, 18th-19th century
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 07 February 2024 from 10:00 GMT
[Topham, Edward]. Letters from Edinburgh; written in the Years 1774 and 1775: containing some Observations on the Diversions, Customs, Manners, and Laws, of the Scotch Nation, during a Six Months Residence in Edinburgh. London: J. Dodsley, 1776. First edition, 8vo, xv 383 pp., contemporary calf, rebacked, a few spots, tide-mark to head of gutter of a few early leaves, C7 with a couple of small nicks to upper margin;
Kincaid, Alexander. The History of Edinburgh, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. Edinburgh: for the author, 1787. First edition, 12mo, contemporary calf, rebacked, 2 engraved folding maps (one repaired);
[Almanacs]. The Original Edinburgh Almanack, and Universal Scots Register for 1816. [And:[ The Edinburgh Almanack, or Universal Scots and Imperial Register, for 1817. Edinburgh: for William Blackwood [and others], 1816-17. 2 works, 12mo, both in contemporary straight-grain red morocco gilt;
and 23 others (these not collated), including: Alexander Grant, The Story of the University of Edinburgh, 1884 (first edition, 2 volumes, contemporary red morocco gilt); The Life of the Right Honourable Willielma, Viscountess Glenorchy, 1822 (first edition, contemporary pink half calf); J. & H. S. Storer, Views in Edinburgh and its Vicinity, 1820 (first edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporary quarter calf, numerous engraved plates); J. Stark, Picture of Edinburgh, 1806 (2 copies, contemporary quarter roan and 20th-century full calf, each with engraved folding plan as frontispiece); Léon de Buzonnière, Voyage en Ecosse, visite à Holy0Rood, Paris, 1832 (first edition, original wrappers, untrimmed); A New History of the City of Edinburgh, 1800 (fourth edition, contemporary half calf, half-title, engraved plates); The Fudge Family in Edinburgh, in a Series of Poetical Epistles ... by Nehemiah Nettlebottom, 1820 (apparently original boards, possibly rebacked); An Historical Sketch of the Municipal Constitution of the City of Edinburgh, 1826 (contemporary blue quarter sheep); and similar