Scottish herringbone binding
The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 8 February 2023 at 10:00 GMT
Edinburgh: Alexander Kincaid, 1764. 18mo, contemporary Scottish morocco, blind-tooled overall, covers each with panel of repeating feather devices radiating from central stem in herringbone pattern, enclosed by inner frame of heart motifs and outer frame of a doubled sawtooth roll, against a ground of flower, bird and volute motifs, A3F6/12, joints and extremities rubbed, a few small areas of wear to covers, Y3-4 slightly short (affecting catchwords), small hole in 2T3, bound with an edition of the Psalms at the rear (Kincaid, 1764, lacking final leaf) [Darlow & Moule 1157; ESTC T9194];
Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. Oxford: Mark Baskett, 1765. [Bound with:] [Vickers, William]. A Companion to the Altar. Shewing the Nature and Necessity of a Sacramental Preparation, in order to our Worthy Receiving the Holy Communion. London: John Beecroft, 1768. [And:] [Psalms]. The Whole Book of Psalms. London: for the Company of Stationers, 1767. 3 works in one volume, 8vo (18.8 x 11.8cm), contemporary red morocco, spine-compartments decorated with dotted saltires and seed-head and star tools gilt, covers each with dotted outer border enclosing lobed central panel incorporating dogtooth and floral rolls gilt, comb-marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, BCP signatures a-b8 A-2A8 2B4 (-2B4), Vickers signatures A-H8, with engraved frontispiece (apparently A1), ownership inscription of one Elizabeth Fairchild dated 1784 to the front free endpaper, and a prayer written perhaps in the same hand on the rear blank [ESTC T81419, BCP, 5 copies worldwide, T84901, Vickers, T142243, Psalms, 5 copies];
Bugg, Francis. The Picture of Quakerism Drawn to the Life. In Two Parts. The First shewing the Vanity of the Quakers Pretence of their being the one, only Catholick Church of Christ … The Second, containing a Brief History of the Rise Growth, and Progress of Quakerism. London: for W. Kettleby, and W. Rogers, 1697. [Bound with:] Quakerism Withering, and Christianity Reviving ... Wherein their Errors ... are further detected, and G. Whitehead further unmask'd. London: for the author, 1694. 2 works in one volume, both first editions, 8vo, contemporary panelled calf, first work with double-page plate, front board detached [ESTC R6912 & R23819];
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress, from this World, to that which is to come: delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. A New Edition. London: for J. Caddel, T. Dodsley, A. Baldwin, and R. Millar, 1783. 8vo, contemporary sheep, 12 woodcut plates, front board detached [ESTC T58394, 8 copies worldwide];
[Angling]. The Gentleman Angler … with several Observations on Angle Rods, and Artificial Flies … also an Appendix, containing the Art of Rock and Sea Fishing … by a Gentleman who has made it is His Diversion upwards of Fourteen Years, London: for G. Kearsley, 1786. First edition, 24mo, old boards, engraved frontispiece, advertisement leaf, binding worn, general soiling to contents, front inner hinge cracking between frontispiece and title-page, light marginal worming towards front [ESTC T57574, 9 copies worldwide];
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquess of. Instructions to a Son, containing Rules of Conduct in Publick and Private Life. Glasgow: R. Foulis, 1743. First Scottish edition, 8vo in half-sheets, contemporary mottled calf, rebacked, bookplate of Scottish politician George Baillie (1664-1738), presumably applied posthumously by a descendant, early ownership inscription ‘Grisell Baillie’ to title-page [ESTC T108119, 7 copies worldwide];
and 14 others similar (these not fully collated), comprising: Book of Common Prayer, John Baskett, 1738 (8vo, contemporary black morocco panelled in gilt, engraved additional title-page and plates, binding worn, repairs to plates); [Hannah Neale], The History of the Jews … Being an Appendix to the Sacred History in Sixteen Letters, 1796 (8vo, contemporary calf, engraved folding map, front cover detached, ESTC T114150, nine copies world-wide); [Samuel Johnson], [Rasselas] The Prince of Abissinia, The Sixth Edition, 1783 (8vo, contemporary marbled calf, spine worn); James Thomson, The Seasons, Edinburgh, 1761 (8vo, contemporary calf, 4 engraved plates); idem, Glasgow, 1775 (title-page loose); The Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James the First and his Royal Successors, Kings and Queens of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1682 (12mo, contemporary calf); George Anson, A Voyage round the World in the Years M,DCCXL, I, II, III, IV … The Ninth Edition, 1767 (8vo, contemporary calf); Thomas Boston, A View of the Covenant of Grace from the Sacred Records, Glasgow, 1772 (8vo, contemporary sheep); Allan Ramsay, The Gentle Shepherd; A Scots Pastoral Comedy, 1775 (8vo, contemporary calf, spine worn, lacking frontispiece); Samuel Rutherford, Letters, 1825 (8vo, contemporary sheep); Theophrastus, Les caractères, Brussels, 1692 (8vo, spine worn away, title-page loose); [Sammelband of plays published by John Bell, 1776-7], comprising Aaron Hill, Zara, Thomas Otway, Venice Preserv'd, Nicholas Rowe, Jane Shore, John Huges, The Siege of Damascus, Ambrose Philips, Distrest Mother (8vo, contemporary quarter calf, worn, edges untrimmed); Samuel Johnson, A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 1817 (lacking covers); and George Dawe, The Life of George Morland, 1807 (lacking covers)