North Yorkshire - Croft, Jolby
Deed of Gift from Henry, son of Alan de Joleby to Halath de Halnathby
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 17 June 2020 at 11:00 BST
[Halnaby Hall] of a capital messuage and three sellions in Joleby in Croft, with the names of six witnesses, undated but probably early 13th century, small parchment title deed in Latin, with a seal tag but seal missing
Note: The English Place Name Society's volume for the North Riding of Yorkshire mentions "Col. Parker suggests that Halnaby took its name from one Halnath who lived there c. 1218", but has forms, e.g. Halnathebi from 1170 onwards. A selion / sellion is one of the strips or ridges of land allotted for cultivation in the open-field system.