Percy Wyndham Lewis (British 1882-1957) for The Rebel Art Centre or Omega Workshops §
Rare Bedspread, circa 1914
Auction: 23 October 2020 from 10:00 BST
hand-blocked print on silk and linen, with hand-stitched woolwork line details
255cm x 180cm (100.4in x 71in)
Rayner, Geoffrey, Chamberlain, Richard and Stapleton, Annamarie, Artist's Textiles 1949-1976, pp.14-15, plates 4a and 4b (similar example illustrated);
Mallams, Oxford, Design & Modern British Art, 8 December 2017, lot 620 for an example of the textile made into a dressing robe.
The Omega Workshops, established in 1913, was a design enterprise founded by members of the Bloomsbury Group. In 1914, Lewis set up The Rebel Art Centre as a workshop for the applied arts, and it is likely that this handblocked bedspread was designed for one of these. The same design is visible on an embroidered and block-printed silk robe created by Lewis in 1914.
This design was seen by the authority on the Omega Workshops and Rebel Art Centre, Dr. Judith Collins, who identified this design as the work of Wyndham Lewis. Although closely related to Lewis’s slightly earlier applied designs for The Omega Workshops and The Cabaret Theatre Club, Dr. Collins considered it to dated from 1914 and the period of Lewis’s involvement with the Rebel Art Centre.