Auction: Day One: 23 February 2022 | From 10:00
the caddy top hood with carved giltwood flaming urn finials and repoussé brass fret above a twelve inch silvered dial with Roman numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, date aperture, and twin ringed winding holes, signed on the chapter flanking the VI 'Andrew Broun/ Edinburgh', with crown and cherub spandrels, above a geometric line inlaid and crossbanded trunk door with an oval brass bound lenticle, on a similarly decorated plinth base with bun feet; the month going movement with five wheel trains and turned pillars, anchor escapement, and hourly strike on a bell via a counterwheel
46cm wide, 247cm high, 25cm deep
Note: Edinburgh made clocks that predate 1700 are exceedingly rare. Andrew Broun [or Brown] (circa 1651-1712) was apprenticed to Humphrey Milne on 2nd February 1665. His apprenticeship was recorded thus "The second day of February 1665. The quilk day, Andro Broun, sone lawfull to umquihil Jon Broun, in Lang Newtone, is booked prentice to Umpra Milne, clock maker." Ten years later he officially ended his apprenticeship after demonstrating his skill to a committee of clockmakers and became a freeman of the Hammermen's Incorporation. He then took on several apprentices and journeymen himself throughout his career. He became Captain of the City Guard in 1685 and Master of the Hammermen's Incorporation in 1689.
In 1689 and 1690 he was elected boxmaster [treasurer] of the Hammermen's Incorporation and in 1696 he became a Guild brother of Edinburgh. Although recorded as a highly capable maker, he apparently died penniless, with his son applying to the Incorporation for financial assistance on his father's death.
John Smith, author of Old Scottish Clockmakers from 1453 to1850, states "In view of the long time he was in business, - thirty-five years - it is remarkable how exceedingly scarce are specimens of his art, only three have come under our notice: one being the splendid clock in the lobby of the advocates library, another that was exposed for sale in the window of a dealer in Queen Street Edinburgh, both these two having cases of beautiful and chaste marquetry; and the third one in possession of a private party in Linlithgow". A marquetry longcase clock by Broun dating to the late 17th century sold in these rooms, 1 September, 2021, lot 18, and another 17 November, 2021, lot 18.
Note: Please be aware that this lot contains material which may be subject to import/export restrictions, especially outside Great Britain, due to CITES regulations. Please note it is the buyer's sole responsibility to obtain any relevant export or import licence. For more information visit http://www.defra.gov.uk/ahvla-en/imports-exports/cites/