Lot 338
Estimate: £500 - £700
Auction: 08 November 2024 from 10:00 GMT
清 光緒款 粉彩花卉紋葉形碗、 咸豐款 粉彩人物故事紋花口碟 及 嘉慶款 粉彩無雙譜紋器蓋(共三件)
comprising: a leaf-form bowl painted with flowers, the base inscribed with a six-character Guangxu mark; a foliated ‘figural’ dish, the base inscribed with a six-character Xianfeng mark; and a ‘wushuangpu’ cover for a teabowl, the well of the finial inscribed with a six-character Jiaqing mark (3)
largest: 25cm wide