Fine Asian & Islamic Works of Art
Auction: 4 November 2022 from 10:00 GMT
清道光 周召棠肖像及其三代周李氏祖先像 紙本設色 鏡框(共九副)
ink and colour on paper, framed, comprising the commissioner- Zhou Zaotang's portrait, shown seated on a horseshoe-back folding armchair, jiaoyi, his right leg folded, left hand holding a book, his face determined as he was newly appointed as an official on the new year of Xin Mao during the Daoguang period, corresponding to 1831AD, titled 'Chu Deng Shi Ban' (First Step of an Official Career), in the summer of Gui Si year (two years later), corresponding to 1833AD, further inscribed an enumeration of his aspirations on the left of his portrait; together with twelve of his ancestor portraits in eight works
largest: 34.3cm x 24.6cm
William Steel (D.1895), Master Baker to the colonial forces in the Indian Mutiny and the Opium wars, acquired these paintings in China (by repute);
Inherited by his daughter, Mrs Anne Lang Roger (nee Steel) and her husband Herbert Campbell Roger, O.B.E. (D.1920);
Inherited by their son Henry Glenlyon Campbell Roger (1919-1999);
Thence by family descent.
From the private Scottish collection of Henry Glenlyon Campbell Roger (1919-1999), of Duddingston Village, Edinburgh. Inherited from the estate of his father, Herbert Campbell Roger, OBE (1st Jan 1920), awarded the Chevalier de L’Ordre de la Couronne by King Albert of Belgium for his service during the Great War (4th Dec 1919) and as Secretary of the British Red Cross for some 20 years. Lived in Glasgow and latterly at Greenend, Guilford, Surrey. Thence by family descent.
Although anecdotal, the family used to discuss the adventures of William (James) Steel, father of Mrs Anne Lang Roger, a Master Baker of 498 St Vincent Street, Glasgow. He died, aged 47 on 28/5/1895 (BMD Barony) after a number of years as a contracted Master Baker to the colonial forces in the Indian Mutiny and the Opium wars. He was believed to have brought a considerable number of Far Eastern items back with him. William Steel was wealthy and variously described as Head of the house, house factor, Master Baker and a mill owner (1881 Census, Glasgow).
These items would have fallen to Mrs Anne Lang Roger (nee Steel) his daughter by inheritance. The private family collection was considerable and was enhanced by further purchases made by Mrs Anne Lang Roger's husband Herbert Campbell Roger in accordance with the fashion trends towards the end of the Victorian period.
Note: The centre of this group of portraits is Zhou Zaotang, who commissioned this rare group of his ancestor portraits. This is to trace back, or celebrate the significance of his family in the political domain in the Qing Court. Spanning over three generations, Zhou's commission of his ancestor portraits are detailed with their respective names. However, in a patriarchal society, only the males have their full names and females their maiden names. The details also include their official ranks, political careers, dates and times of birth and death, and their burial sites.
The lineage starts from his great-grandfather Zhou Zhang (1691-1752) and his great-grandmother Madam Yang (1668-1750). Followed by grandfather Zhou Weibing (1723-1749), and grandmother Madam Yu (1725-1754). All depicted in double portraits. Curiously, almost as an improbable repetition, Zhou Zaotang's ancestors also included a family with the surname 'Li'. Starting from his great grandfather Li Chaogui (1683-1764), and great grandmother Madam Yang (1691-1765). Followed by grandfather Li Chunxiang (1723-1803), and grandmother Madam Zhang (1727-1803). All in single portraits and the male members with more elaborate inscriptions.
The comprehensive original collection (excluded in this lot) discloses that the grandfather Zhou Weibing, had a son Zhou Xu (1746-1791); Whereas grandfather Li Chunxiang also had a high-ranked son Li Feng (1753-1811). Both of whom the commissioner Zhou Zaotang would call father. It is revealed in The Zhou and Li's Family Genealogy (compiled and edited by Zhou Zaotang in the Guangxu period), that during the fifty-sixth Qianlong year, 1791AD, the same year of Zaotang's biological father Zhou Xu's death, Zhou Zaotang would be adopted as a son by Li Feng. Hence, there are two lineages of Zhou and Li in Zaotang's ancestorship.
This collection offered here does not include Zhou Zaotang's wife. Therefore, it is unclear who she was. However, through the ancestor portraits of Zhou's father and mother in laws: Dai Binggang (1754-1818), his wife Madam Yang (1753-?), and his concubine Madam Zhang (?-1818), we can establish that she was Madam Dai.
We also learn from the ancestor portraits that the Lis were of more significant social ranking than the Zhous. The great grandfather Li Chaogui was the third military-ranked official. All of the ancestor portraits are dated to the eleventh year of Daoguang period, year of Xin Mao, corresponding to 1831AD. With the attribution of Zhou Zaotang in central-left, sealed 'Zao', 'Tang'.
1. 周召棠《初登仕版》像
款識: 初登仕版/辛卯孟春上元日書於赤城官廨/柳堂/這個人號柳堂/坐馬机/持典章/查災賑/受奔忙/勘山水/立主張/驗命案/費思量/隱而臥/透天光/寫態度/畫荒唐/我自問/赤心藏/癸巳小暑節柳堂題
鈐印: 柳堂、召、棠、柳堂之印、▢▢▢▢
2. 曾祖父周璋、曾祖母楊太君雙像
款識: 貤贈文林郎曾祖考周公諱璋/字璞菴/行一府君/誥贈太孺人曾祖妣周母楊太君/雙像/生於康熙三十年辛末六月初九日亥時/歿於乾隆十七年壬申九月初十日子時/享壽六十有二/安葬雲南縣西大乗山之陽/生於康熙卅七年戌寅五月廿八日丑時/歿於乾隆十五年庚午五月廿七日寅時/安葬雲南縣西大乗山之陽/享年五十有三/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春/署浙江台州府天台縣事鄉後學/陳文治沐手填諱/曾孫召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
3. 曾祖父李朝貴像
款識: 勒授武義都尉/由行伍/歷任開化鎮把縂/陞千縂/出師開化烏蒙等處/樹勲勞越十有一載引/見奉/上日賞庫帑銀三百兩大鍛四疋/超陞江西南安營參將/調湖北均防營參將/曾祖考李公諱朝貴/字輔臣/行一府君之像/生於康熙二十二年癸亥七月初一日酉時/歿於乾隆二十九年甲申三月二十四日未時/享壽八十二嵗/葬於滇省金角寺大山之陽/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春/賜進士出身翰林院庶吉士/知浙江金華府蘭谿縣事後學張洵沐手填諱/曾孫周召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
4. 曾祖母楊老太君像
-款識: 誥封淑人顯曾祖妣李母/楊老太君之像/生於康熙三十年辛未十月二十九日子時/歿於乾隆十九年甲戌十月二十二日子時/享壽六十四嵗/葬於金角寺大山之陽/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春吉日/曾孫周召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
5. 祖父周維炳、祖母余太君雙像
款識: 貤贈文林郎顯祖考周公諱維炳/字朗夫/行一府君/暨太孺人顯祖妣周母/余太君之像/生於雍正元年癸卯十二月十五日子時/歿於乾隆十四年己巳十月初八亥時/享年廿有七嵗/安葬雲南縣縣西大乗山之陽/生於雍正三年乙巳六月初一日午時/歿於乾隆十九年甲戌三月廿日邜(卯)時/享年三十嵗/安葬雲南縣西大乗山之陽/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春/知浙江紹興府蕭山縣事姻再晚/鄭錦聲沐手填諱/孫召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
6. 祖父李春祥像
款識: 誥封武義都尉/祖考李公諱春祥/字吉齋/行六府君之像/生於雍正元年癸卯九月初十日寅時/歿於嘉慶八年癸亥二月初九日辰時/享壽八十嵗/安葬滇省之西金角寺大山之陽/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春/賜進士出身知浙江台州府寧海縣事後學沈逢恩沐手填諱/孫周召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
7. 祖母張太君像
款識: 誥封太淑人祖妣李母張太君之像/生於雍正五年丁未五月二十五日子時/歿於嘉慶八年癸亥十二月初六日午時/享壽七十七嵗/安葬滇省之西金角寺大山之陽/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春吉日/孫周召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
8. 母徐太君像
款識: 誥封淑人顯妣李母徐太君之像/生於乾隆二十七年壬午五月二十日辰時/歿於嘉慶八年癸亥十一月十一日亥時/享年四十二嵗/安葬滇省之西金角寺大山之陽/道光十一年嵗次辛卯春吉日/男周召棠薰沐敬書
鈐印: 召、棠
9. 岳父戴秉剛、岳母楊太孺人、側室張孺人像
款識: 例贈登仕郎/岳考戴公諱秉剛大人/偕妣例贈楊太孺人/暨側室節烈張儒人像贊/公生於乾隆十九年甲戌十月初二日午時/歿於嘉慶二十三年戌寅六月初九日辰時/妣生於乾隆十八年癸酉三月初八日戌時/莭烈殉節於嘉慶二十三年六月初九日亥時/孝哉張氏鬻身養母端淑儀型巾幗罕有/烈哉張氏主死捐軀氷霜凜烈綱常克扶/大清道光十一年嵗次辛卯春月/子婿周召棠敬題
鈐印: 召、棠(兩次)