Collection of works in Urdu
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
All 19th or early 20th century, lithographically printed, titles include:
[Education of women] Munshi Dibi Prashad. Risalat Ta'lim al-Nisa' ['Epistle on the Education of Women']. Delhi: Matba' Rizvi, 1882. 8vo, contemporary Indian half cloth binding, browning to contents, chipping to outer leaves;
[Gynaecology] Doctor Ram Anand. Risalat-i Sihhat ul-Nisa' ['Epistle on Women's Health'], Amritsar, c.1900, 8vo, 12 pp., recent boards, illustration of a foetus in utero in text, browning, repairs;
[Medicine]. Shifa al-Amrad wa Mu'in al-'Ilaj ['The Healing of Illnesses and Aid to Treatment'], Lucknow, 1328 AH [1908/9 CE], 8vo, recent boards, a few illustrations in text, browning, a few tears and repairs;
[Medicine]. Mu'in-i 'Ilaj [Aid to Treatment], Lucknow, 1894, 8vo, recent boards with original wrappers bound in;
[Iran] M. ‘Abd al-’Ali. Hayat-i Nasir al-Din Shah-i Iran ['The Life of Nasir al-Din, Shah of Iran'], Delhi, 1897, 8vo, recent boards, portrait and vignettes in text;
[Chemistry] Muhammad Hasan. The Treasury-of-Arts. [Urdu title:] Kimistri ya'ni Ganjineh-i funun ve-san'at ['Chemistry, i.e. the Treasury of Arts'], Delhi, c.1900. 8vo, recent boards, frequent English text (for the names of chemical compounds);
History of Port Blair by Mohamed Jaffer, Lucknow: Nawal Kishore, 1892, second edition, 8vo, recent boards, title-page in Urdu, English and Hindi (with hole, damp-staining and repair);
and approx. 24 others similar, all in Urdu (approx. 30)