[Rennefort, Urbain Souchu de]
Historie van Oost-Indien
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
vervattende, behalven de zeer nette beschrijving der vergelegene landed, een omstandig verhaal van het wedervaren der Franschen aldaar. Rotterman: Pieter vander Slaart, 1696. 12mo, [24] 660 [8] pp., contemporary mottled calf, 8 engraved plates including additional pictorial title-page, wear to spine and front joint [cf. Borba de Moraes II p. 819]
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
Apparently the first edition in Dutch, and the first fully-illustrated edition; the work was first printed in French in Paris in 1688, as Histoire de la compagnie des Indes, with engraved headpieces but no plates. Souchu de Rennefort accompanied the expedition of the newly founded Compagnie des Indes to Madagascar in 1665, claiming the island for France. Much of the present work concerns the island; he also wrote an account of the voyage itself, titled Relation du premier voyage de la Compagnie des Indes (1668).