Cicero, Marcus Tullius
De officiis, libri tres
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
… ex Dionys. Lambini Monstroliensis emendatione. London: excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, 1578. 8vo (14.2 x 9.5cm), 331 pp., contemporary limp vellum, vellum toned, soiled and crinkled, textblock detached from binding, first quire including title-page frayed and softened along fore edge, contemporary annotations in English to rear blank, ownership inscription ‘Ludovicus [?]’ to following blank, ownership inscription of Anthony Murray dated 1815 to initial blank, a few marginal markings in pen or pencil;
Lucretius Carus, Titus. De rerum natura libri sex: quibus interpretationem et notas addidit Thomas Creech. Oxford: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1695. 8vo. [20] 367 94 pp., contemporary vellum, bifolium K2-3 loose, ownership inscription of Anthony Murray to title-page;
Ross, Alexander. Virgilius triumphans, in tres libros dispartitus. Rotterdam: ex officinia Arnoldi Leers, 1661. 12mo, [4] 328 pp., contemporary vellum, engraved additional title-page;
Johnston, John. Thaumatographia naturalis. Amsterdam: apud Guilielum Blaeu, 1632. 12mo, [6] 501 [3] pp., contemporary vellum;
Vives, Juan Luis. Colloquia, sive exercitatio Latinae linguae. Gouda: apud Françiscum Hoola, 1662. 8vo, [4] 246 [10] pp., woodcut vignette on title-page hand-coloured, ownership inscription of Anthony Murray, a few underlinings and annotations to text;
Scaliger, Julius Caesar. Poemata omnia. [Heidelberg]: in bibliopolio Commeliniano, 1600. 8vo, 692 311 63 pp., contemporary limp vellum, intermittent damp-staining;
and 2 others (not collated: Ravisi, Epitheta, 1606, 8vo, contemporary vellum, vellum manuscript waste spine-lining visible, and Henrich Smet, Prosodia, Amsterdam, 1658, 8vo, contemporary vellum) (8)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
This edition of Cicero is not mentioned in STC, where the earliest Vautrollier edition of De officiis cited is 1579.