Continental books
Collection of works, 16th-17th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
all bound in contemporary vellum with manuscript spine-titles, titles include:
Claudianus, Claudius. [Opera] Theod. Pulmanni Craneburgii diligentia, et fide summa, e vetustis codicibus restitutus. [Bound with:] Aesop. Aviani Aesopicarum fabularum liber. A Theod. ulmanno Craneburgio ex membranis in lucem editus. Antwerp: ex officina Plantiniana, 1596. 2 works in 1 volume, 16mo, Claudianus in 2 parts, 351 90 [6] pp. (including terminal blank), Aesop 29 [2] pp., contemporary ownership inscription ‘Ex libris Joannis G. … Amsterdam’, later ownership inscription of Anthony Murray to title-page, Murray family bookplate to front pastedown, damp-staining [cf. Adams C2077-8];
Hesiod. Opera quae exstant. [Heidelberg]: H. Commelinus, 1591. 8vo, [32] 103 77 [1] pp., woodcut decoration to title-page, inscriptions dated 1649 to front free endpaper and initial blanks, manuscript initials of Anthony Murray to title-page [not in Adams];
Aelianus, Claudius. Varia historia. Tanaquillus Faber emendavit. Saumur: apud Joannem Le'nerium, 1668. 8vo, 2 parts in 1 volume, [8] 428, 341 [3] pp., part 1 with paper flaw to K2, closed tear in T7, two strips of vellum manuscript waste used as patch-lining for spine, manuscript initials of Anthony Murray dated 1703 to title-page, contemporary manuscript marginalia in Greek up to about p. 260;
and 8 others (these not collated, including: César Oudin, Refranes o proverbios espanoles traduzidos en lengua Francesa, Brussels, 1608, rear inner hinge gone; Battista Guarini, Le Berger Fidele, traduit de l'italien, Cologne, 1686; Giacomo Sannazaro, Arcadia, Venice, 1646; Giovanni Sagredo, L'arcadia in brenta, Bologna, 1673; Epictetus, Enchiridion, Leiden, 1646; and similar) (11)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.