Architecture and Furniture Design
A small collection
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Langley, Batty. The City and Country Builder's and Workman's Treasury of Designs. London: S. Harding, 1745. Small folio, 186 + 14 plates, contemporary calf neatly rebacked with modern spine;
Idem. The Builder's Jewel… London: C. and R. Ware, 1763. 10th edition, small 4to, frontispiece and 99 plates, several plates with a manuscript recipe written on the reverse ("To Clean Boot Tops", “Receipt to cure a House of the Grease”, “To Clean Leather Breeches”, “An Excellent Method of Making Plate Powder”, “Receipt for keeping Flies out of stables” etc.), with the ownership inscription of Robt. Wharton, Revd. Mr Harper, Belsize Lane, Hampstead, Middlesex", contemporary calf, binding split;
The Royal Institute of British Architects. Sir Christopher Wren A.D. 1632-1723. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1923. 4to, number 12 of 250 copies, original vellum gilt;
Jourdain, M. The Library of Decorative Art: English Decoration and Furniture of the Early Renaissance; English Decoration and Furniture of the Later XVIIIth Century; Decoration in England from 1640 to 1760; Furniture in England from 1660 to 1760; London: B.T. Batsford. 4 volumes, folio, original red cloth;
Edwards, Ralph. The Dictionary of English Furniture. London: Country Life Limited, [n.d.] 3 volumes, folio, original red cloth gilt;
Mulliner, H.H. The Decorative Arts in England. London: B.T. Batsford, Ltd., 1923. Folio, original green cloth;
Hill, Oliver. Scottish Castles. London: Country Life Limited, [n.d.] Folio, original red cloth gilt;
Small, Tunstall and Christopher Woodbridge. English Brickwork Details, 1450-1750. London: The Architectural Press, [n.d.] 4to, original boards;
Zentner, L. Une Collection Choisie de Paysages… London: J. Thane, 1791. Oblong 4to, 56 engraved plates, contemporary half morocco;
and a copy of The Eton College Chronicle, 1895-6 (15)
Select items from the estate of the late Lady Penn.