Continental books
Collection of works, 17th-18th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothecae historicae … ex interpretatione Laurentii Rhodomani. Hanover: typis Wechelianis, apud haeredes Joannis Aubrii, 1611. 8vo, [40] 1245 [65] pp., old calf (probably Dutch), ruled and decorated in blind, spine guarded with leaf of medieval manuscript waste on vellum, apparently in Dutch, final page of index with small area of adhesion to rear blank with loss of text;
Buchanan, George. Rerum Scoticarum historia. Utrecht: apud Antonium Schouten, 1697. 8vo, contemporary panelled calf (probably British), ownership inscriptions of Anthony Murray to endpapers endpaper and title-page (front free endpaper frayed), bound with Christopher Irvine, Historiae Scotiae Nomeclatura Latino-Vernacula, Edinburgh, 1697, at rear;
Noodt, Gerhard. Probabilium libri tres. Leiden: ex officina Felicis Lopez, 1679. First edition, 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, ownership inscription of Anthony Murray to title-page;
Idem. De foenore et usuris libri tres. Leiden: apud Fredericum Haaring, 1698. First edition, 4to, 19th-century calf, engraved folding portrait, front joint cracked, manuscript initials of Anthony Murray dated 1705 to title-page;
Virgil. [Opera] cum veterum omnium commentariis et selectis recentiorum notis nova editio. [Leiden]: ex officina Abrahami Commelini, 1647. 4to, contemporary calf, engraved title-page;
and 11 others (not collated), contemporary bindings, similar ownership markings, including: Andrea Fachinei, Controversiarum juris libri decem, Cologne, 1604 (thick 4to, contemporary calf); Antonio Perez, Praelectiones in duodecim libro codicis Justiniani imp., Antwerp, 1695 (4to, contemporary mottled calf, gilt spine); Dictionarium universale latino-gallicum, Paris, 1748 (4to, contemporary cat's-paw sheep, gilt spine, ownership inscription ‘Anthony Murray Esq, Douay, 1789' to initial blank); John Barclay, Satyricon, Leiden, 1674 (8vo, engraved title-page); Corpus Juris Civilis editio nova, Amsterdam, 1664 (8vo, contemporary mottled sheep, worn, engraved title-page, vellum index tabs tipped to fore margins); Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII roi de Suede, Basle, 1732 (second edition, 8vo, contemporary calf, contemporary manuscript note on Voltaire to initial blank); John Lesley, De origine moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum libri decem, Rome, 1675 (4to, contemporary calf, dedication leaf loose); and similar (20)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.