Collection of Bibles and religious works, 17th-18th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Bible; Latin; Tremellius-Junius-Beza version. Biblia sacra, sive Testamentum vetus, ab. Im. Tremellio et Fr. Junio ex Hebraeo Latine redditum. Et Testamentum novum, a Theod. Beza e Graeco in Latinum versum. Amsterdam: Jan Janssonius, 1632. 12mo, contemporary calf, [8] 504 pp., engraved allegorical title-page, ownership inscriptions of Anthony Murray dated 1727 and 1743 to initial blank and front free endpaper (with hole in the latter), binding somewhat worn, small worm-track in first quire including title-page, title-page with small chip to lower fore corner, 2R5-6 transposed, a few minor marks;
Bible; Dutch; States translation. Biblia. Dat is de gantsche h. Schrifture. Amsterdam: Paulus van Ravelsteyn, 1664. 12mo, 306, 114, 132 ff., contemporary calf, twin gilt frames to covers, Dutch floral endpapers, 2 engraved title-pages (each with licence to print on verso signed by Jan Stoffelsz van Zwoll, notary public), worm-track to final 10 leaves of the Prophets, closed tear in New Testament title-page, Psalms and Heidelberg Catechism bound in at rear (the latter incomplete);
Bible; French. Le Nouveau Testament, c'est à dire, la Nouvelle Alliance de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. Charenton: Estiene Lucas, 1658. 12mo, A-2C6, contemporary morocco, covers elaborately panelled in gilt with pattern of two concentric quatrefoils built up from fillets and curlicue devices and elaborate curlicue infills to spandrels, engraved and letterpress title-pages, Psalms bound in at rear, binding worn, damp-staining to contents;
and 10 others (including Holy Bible, Oxford, 1743, 4to, lacking Old Testament title-page but with BCP bound in at front, contemporary diced russia gilt, front joint cracked and reinforced, Holy Bible, Oxford, 1772, 4to, La Sainte Bible … avec les arguments … par J. F. Ostervald, Bienne, 1771, 8vo, George Hickes, Devotions in the Ancient Way of Offices, 1730, La Liturgie … selon l'usage de l'Eglise Anglicane, 1776, Thomas à Kempis, Kempis commun ou les quatres livres de l'Imitation de Jesus-Christ, Amsterdam, 1683, and similar) (13)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.