Scottish antiquarianism
Group of works in fine bindings
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
[Laing, David, editor]. Select Remains of the Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland. Edinburgh: for Wm. & D. Laing; by Balfour and Clarke, 1822. First edition, one of 108 copies according to the author's advertisement, 4to, later cross-grain olive-green morocco by Clarke & Bedford, all edges gilt, half-title, woodcut vignette to title-page, gilt morocco book-label of esteemed collector Robert Samuel Turner (1818-1887) to front pastedown;
Idem. The Knightly Tale of Golagrus and Gawane, and Other Ancient Poems. Printed at Edinburgh by W. Chepman and A. Myllar in the Year M.D.viii. Reprinted M.Dccc.xxvii. [Edinburgh: William and David Laing], 1827. One of 72 copies to survive a fire at the printer's warehouse and consequently with several leaves inlaid, 4to, contemporary half morocco, woodcut facsimile illustrations throughout, front pastedown with bookplate of Thomas Gaisford (possibly the English classicist, 1779-1855) and manuscript purchase note dated 1831 [Lowndes, 1858 ed., volume 2 p. 908];
Iona Club. Collectanae de Rebus Albanicis. Edited by the Iona Club. With the Transactions of the Club. Vol. I. Edinburgh: for the Iona Club, 1839. First edition, David Laing's copy, inscribed by him on an initial blank ‘D. Laing, Large paper copy, the impression limited to 30 copies’, with 3 receipts for his yearly Iona Club membership for 1834-6 tipped in at rear, and his ownership inscription to 3 front wrappers for the original parts bound in, large 8vo, large blue-green crushed morocco, top edge gilt, others untrimmed;
Monteith, Robert. An Theater of Mortality: or the Illustrious Inscriptions extant upon the several Monuments erected over the Dead Bodies … buried within the Gray-friars Church Yard; and other Churches and Burial-Places within the City of Edinburgh and Suburbs. [Bound with:] An Theater of Mortality: or, a Further Collection of Funeral-Inscriptions over Scotland. Edinburgh: heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1704-13. 2 works in 1 volume, first editions, 8vo, [10 78 [2], [8] 279 [1] pp., c.1900 dark blue morocco gilt, all edges gilt, first work with half-title and inserted leaf between pp. 18-19, bookplate of T. Dawson Brodie;
Pont, Robert. De sabbaticorum annorum periodis chronologica a mundi exordio ad nostra usque secula et porro digestio. [London:] Gulielmum Jones, 1619. 4to, contemporary mottled calf, gilt arms to sides (attributed in pencilled note to Achille de Harlay, Comte de Beaumont), monogram gilt to spine compartments, wear to joints and head and foot of spine, M3-4 with old staining to lower fore corners; and 1 other similar (6)
The Library of a Scottish Gentleman.