Scots law
Collection of works, 16th-19th century
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland. [Sammelband of laws and acts of parliament passed at Edinburgh]. Edinburgh: various publishers, 1661-72. 7 works in one volume, folio, contemporary sheep, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary annotations and Murray family ownership inscriptions to endpapers and blanks, binding slightly worn with loss to foot of spine. Contents comprise:
1) The Laws and Acts of the First Parliament of our most High and Dread Soveraign, Charles the Second … holden at Edinburgh the First of January, 1661. Re-printed by Andrew Anderson, 1673. 118 [2] pp.;
2) Laws and Acts past in the Second Session of the First Parliament, of … Charles the Second. Re-printed by Andrew Anderson, 1673. 23 [1] pp.;
3) Laws and Acts passed in the Second Session of the First Parliament, of … Charles the Second. Printed by Evan Tyler, 1663. 44 [12] pp.;
4) Acts rescinding two Acts past in the last Session of Parliament: the one for excepting of persons from Publick Trust; and the other for voting the same by Billets. Edinburgh, the ninth of September, 1663 [drop-head title]. 3 pp.;
5) The Laws and Acts of the Second Parliament, of … Charles the Second. Printed by Evan Tyler, 1670. 44 [4] pp.;
6) Laws and Acts past in the Second Session of the Second Parliament, of … Charles the Second. Printed by Evan Tyler, 1670. 16 [3] pp.;
7) Laws and Acts past in the Third Session of the Second Parliament, of … Charles the Second. Printed by Andrew Anderson, 1672. 16 21-66 [5] pp., (lacking pp. 17-20);
[Skene, Sir John]. The Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his Successours Kinges of Scotland […] De verborum significatione. Edinburgh: Robert Waldegrave, 1597. Folios in sixes, [2] 162, 178 [98] ff., pi2 a-2d6 A-2G6, ²A-²D4 ²E6-²F6 ²G2 ²H-²S6 ²T4, 19th-century panelled sheep, with the autograph signature of John Skene ‘Jo. Skene’) to end of Table (²E5), with the folding genealogy ‘The Race of the Kings of Scotland’, retaining medial blanks e1 h4 n2, 2D4 ²E6, various contemporary annotations and pen-trials to title-page (including that of James Murray), binding worn, joints cracked, without the engraved title-page and accompanying explanatory leaf as usual, letterpress title-page laid down, second leaf extended along margins, dedication leaf ‘Serenissimo et invictissimo principi Jacobo Sexto' misbound between ff. 177 and 178 (presumably intended as a prelim) [STC 21877];
and 11 others (not collated, comprising: Sir John Skene, Regiam Majestatem, [1609], first edition, later panelled sheep, joints cracked, losses and paper repairs to outer leaves including title-page, loss to final leaf of text; [Sammelband of numerous Court of Session rulings etc. concerning Archibald Douglas of Douglas and the Duke of Hamilton and others, 1760s], 4to, contemporary half sheep, worn; Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton, The Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England, 1703, first edition, folio, contemporary calf, gilt spine, damp-staining; Sir John Clerk, Historical View of the Forms and Powers of the Court of the Exchequer in Scotland, 1820, 4to, contemporary calf, front board near-detached; House of Commons Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee of the whole House upon the Conduct of His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, 1 February 1809, folio, contemporary marbled calf, boards detached; [Jacobite Uprising of 1745], The Report of the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Offices on their Examination into the Conduct … of Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope … [etc.], 1749, 4to, contemporary half calf, front board detached; Gilbert Hutcheson, Treatise on the Offices of Justice of Peace [etc.], 1809, second edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporary calf; Memoir of the Life and Trial of James Mackcoull … containing a Full Account of his Trial … for robbing the Branch of the Paisley Union Bank at Glasgow of Twenty Thousand Pounds. Edinburgh, 1822, 8vo, contemporary half calf, front joint cracked; The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, Commonly called Lord Cochrane … for a Conspiracy, London, 1814, 8vo, contemporary half calf, another work bound in at rear; and 2 similar) (16)
From the library of the Murrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.