Lot 112
Auction: 19 September 2024 from 10:00 BST
or, a Collection of Scots Songs. Set to Musick. London: for the author, 1733. 2 volumes, 8vo (20.1 x 12.2cm), [14] 114 [2], [4] 110 [2], contemporary red morocco, spines richly gilt in compartments, broad gilt border to covers built up from three distinct roll-tools, marbled endpapers, title-pages in red and black, imprimatur leaf to front of volume 1, volume 1 with 53 plates of engraved music (numbered 1-50 and 1-6, the latter sequence on each side of 3 leaves), volume 2 with 48 plates of engraved music (numbered 1-50, with 10/11, 23/4, 43/4 and 49/50 each either side of a single leaf, and 1-4, on each side of 2 leaves), engraved armorial bookplates of Michael Hubert Esq. to front pastedowns, volume 1 with engraved armorial bookplate of Henrietta Fermor, Countess of Pomfret (1698-1761) to rear pastedown, each volume with a japon leaf containing gilt-stamped arms of Robert Tyndall Hamilton Bruce (1847-1899) bound in at front, volume 1 plate 19 with old staining
The Library of a Scottish Gentleman