Estimate: £300 - £500
Auction: 12 September 2024 from 10:00 BST
清末民初 「上」、「楊慶和 發記」、「仁記」錘印款 外銷銀七級浮屠擺件 帶木座
the seven levelled pagoda raised on a podium with steps to the front, tapered up and topped with two globes and a spire, the roofs with bells, the base hallmarked ‘Shang’, ‘Yang Qing He Fa Ji’, and ‘Ren Ji’ in Chinese, with a bespoke wooden stand
22.8cm high; 225g
Private Scottish collection, Inverness; Inherited from current owner's grandfather, Matthew Marshall, who worked in Shanghai Power and Light Company during the 1930s, acquired then; Thence by descent.
According to Chinese export silver expert Adrien Von Ferscht, Yang Qing He is considered to have been the most famous of Shanghai silversmiths from the ‘old school’ and is said to have ranked first among the so-called “Nine Factories” in Shanghai. This was both a manufacturing and retail silversmith, as all the “9 Factory” silversmiths were. (A. Von Ferscht, Chinese Export Silver 1785-1940, 4th edition 2015).