comprising: a heavily potted plate, painted to the central medallion with a bird perching on tree branch; a tapered jar decorated with birds and bamboo sprigs; a tendril-decorated jarlet; a Hoi An Hoard circular box with cover, the base with a sticker 'SAGA, HOI AN HOARD, VISAL, 59906' and a corresponding barcode sticker; an iron-brown painted floral dish; a barbed-rim dish painted freely with a mythical beast in the centre, the middle section of the exterior fluted; and a smaller dish painted with ducks to both sides of the exterior, the base with a mark within a square panel
Provenance: Private Scottish collection, has been collecting Asian ceramics for 25 years
Note: The jarlet acquired from Denis Young Antiques, Perthshire in 1997, with a photocopied handwritten receipt stating the piece dated to 14th or early 15th century; The circular box with cover acquired from the Stockspring Antiques, Kensington Church Street, London, with an original handwritten receipt dated 23/9/2002; the barbed-rim dish with an original Certificate of Antiquity issued by Dragon Culture, Hong Kong(龍的文化), stating the piece dated to the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644)